Stress Less at Work! (with this simple technique)

Real talk? Work is stressful. We have looming deadlines, staff that annoy us, projects hanging over our head that we're procrastinating, and maybe even a really horrible lunch that we can't even look forward to.

All these things add up to a stressful environment where we're overwhelmed, un-focused and ineffective.

There are a ton of stress management techniques out there, but my favourites are the simplest.

I'm an entrepreneur, which means I'm the copy-writer, blogger, the speaker, the social media manager, the salesperson, the marketing department -- I kind of do it all. So I need simple techniques that don't create more overwhelm in an effort to manage my stress.

Which is why I love this simple, quick and easy technique.


I don't keep more than five tabs open at any given moment.


I think I can hear you now. "Are you serious? That's it?"

But for real, this has made a huge difference in the way I feel towards my work (and the speed of my computer may I add).

When I only see five tabs or five programs open at any given time, that feels manageable. When there's more than that - I literally want to slowly close my laptop and head to the pantry to snack on some chocolate and forget about my problems.

The way I see it, it's kinda like this:

More than five tabs creates overwhelm for me, so I do my best to avoid it, and in the process it keeps my brain more calm and happy (AND productive because I'm less distracted.)

So - what are you waiting for? Give it a whirl!

Maybe five is the magic number for you, or maybe three.

Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments below.

And, if that fails - make sure to download my free gift "Three Minutes to Calm" and see if that does the trick!

Happy Monday!



A mindful practice for being with family.


A quick Practice for Busy Mornings