Are your staff burnt out? How to spot employee burnout

image of a match burning

Your organization is only as healthy as your employees. When they’re happy at work and fulfilled in their roles, morale, productivity, and retention rates rise. On the flip side, when your team feels burnt out, they’re unlikely to perform at the level you need. Worse, you know they’re losing their love for the work – and you may lose your best people.

Employee burnout is a widespread issue in today’s workplaces. Nearly 60% of workers are at least moderately burnt out (an increase from 2021), according to the 2022-2023 Aflac WorkForces Report. So, it’s entirely possible that burnout is affecting your team right now. 

In this article, we’ll cover how to spot burnout symptoms in your staff. We’ll also explore how to address the problem and improve employee wellbeing at your organization.

Recognizing burnout symptoms at work

Burnout isn’t always obvious. However, it’s critical that as an HR leader, you learn to identify the signs. Burnt out employees are less satisfied in their roles (55%) and more likely to look for work elsewhere within the next year (56%), according to the recent Aflac report.

Don’t wait for the results of your company’s annual wellness survey to get serious about combating burnout. Here are a few behaviours to watch for so you can better recognize burnout symptoms in your staff:

  • Disengagement or acceptance of less-than-ideal circumstances. This may show up in statements like, “Oh well, that’s just the way it is.”

  • A decrease in effort, the avoidance of co-workers, or missed deadlines. If a normally high performer starts letting issues and standards slide, it can be a sign that they’re feeling burnt out.

  • Disruptions to regular healthy routines. Has a team member been attending a lunchtime fitness class every Wednesday for years, but they’ve suddenly just stopped? This could be cause for concern.

  • Uncharacteristic impatience and annoyance among co-workers. Even more serious, outbursts of anger or sadness can also be telltale symptoms of burnout.

Implementing short-term solutions

If you’ve noticed any of these behaviours at your workplace, it’s time to pause, give the situation some thought, then take action. You may find that you can help your staff achieve quick wins in the short term.

“Periodically taking employees’ temperature by simply asking them about the one issue that’s stressing them out the most may relieve some pressure,” suggests Harvard Business Review. “Take the time to respond to the small issues with more understanding to prevent the burnout from getting worse.”

While lightening the load on team members who are already feeling burnt out is an important step to take, avoiding employee burnout altogether is another worthy goal. Let’s dive into how you can get started.

Preventing burnout with mindfulness in the workplace

If your employees are burnt out and experiencing mental exhaustion, it’s natural to wish you could lift the weight and reduce their stress. But what if instead, you could create an environment that keeps your team healthy even when things are tough?

Part of this work involves focusing on the bigger, systemic causes of burnout within your organization. For example, does your company have a culture of urgency? Are people unclear about priorities? Addressing these issues starts with your executive leadership.

Building resilience is another essential aspect of burnout prevention. After all, despite our best efforts to promote employee wellbeing, life can be stressful sometimes and work isn’t all fun and games. Equipping people to better manage stress can ensure it doesn’t turn into full-blown mental exhaustion.


Practicing mindfulness in the workplace is an excellent strategy to help your staff stay grounded in the face of adversity. Workplace mindfulness training can move your entire team toward feelings of calm and renewal. 

Mindful strategies for fulfillment and greatness at work

With workplace mindfulness training themes that include avoiding burnout, mindful self-care strategies, remaining calm in the storm and more, I can help you take action to prevent burnout. These sessions offer your team the resources they need through approachable, memorable workshops and presentations. 

Investing in your team’s well-being doesn’t just protect your employees’ health. With less illness and fewer sick days, you’ll see healthcare savings that can help strengthen your entire organization. 

Are you ready to protect your team from burnout with meaningful

workplace training they’ll enjoy?

Get in touch with me


3 Reasons to take a mindful approach to workplace wellness


A simple way I cultivate RESILIENCE