5 mindfulness myths busted!

A simple google search for the word mindfulness results in over 97 million results! In a world full of stress and change, it’s no wonder the word is seemingly EVERYWHERE!

As a mindfulness teacher who brings these concepts into the workplace, I know that while many folks have heard the word, there are lots of misconceptions and confusion around what it REALLY is, and more importantly, how to integrate it into our lives (and work) in meaningful and impactful ways.

In this blog we’ll explore some of the myths and misconceptions about mindfulness and how it can support you and your team to thrive.

🧘‍♀️ myth #1: mindfulness and meditation are the same thing!

Reality: Mindfulness is about paying attention on purpose in the present moment. Meditation is the best technique to improve upon this skill.

You can be mindful while eating, walking, driving as long as you’re paying attention to what you’re doing…but meditation (the exercise) takes place when you are still (often sitting or lying down) and focusing your mind in the present, noticing distraction, and re-focusing as often as possible.

⛪️ myth #2: mindfulness is a religious practice.

Reality: Mindfulness is a purely secular practice and can be practiced by anyone regardless of their religious affiliation or lack of!

🤯 myth #3: mindfulness means emptying your mind

Reality: It’s not about stopping your thoughts OR emptying your mind. It’s about becoming more self-aware of your thoughts, and improving your relationship to them (including seeing the ways your thoughts sometimes influence you for the better and for the worse). With practice you can be-friend your mind and your thoughts, increase your focus and presence, and reduce mental stress, anxiety and overwhelm.

⏰ Myth #4: mindfulness takes a lot of time

Reality: Mindfulness can be integrated into your day seamlessly and can take as little time as a few focused breaths. Considering that it can help us stay more focused and therefore more productive and make less mistakes, we might even argue that it gives us time BACK.

📈Myth #5: mindfulness is a trend and a fad

Reality: Mindfulness has been around for over 2000 years and has been practiced by millions of people in the world.

Modern science is now catching up and more than 200 studies found mindfulness was especially effective for reducing stress, anxiety and depression.

Practicing mindfulness at work may just become as common as taking a coffee break and continue to grow in popularity.

mindfulness in the workplace

When they learn the truth behind these myths, many forward thinking leaders are introducing Mindful Workplace Training to their teams to support their mental, emotional and physical wellbeing so they can thrive.

Providing learning and development opportunities to your team is essential to keep them enhancing their skills and qualities.

Want to find out more about effective mindfulness-based workplace training?

Get in touch with me or learn more about the results I’ve created.


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